Thursday 29 January 2015

Title Design

Shapes have a variety of characteristics,
each conveying different messages to the audience.

Shapes with sharp edges connotes a violent and threatening feel. This can be seen in animated cartoons where the antagonists that have a more triangular face appear be cruel.

Circles or rounder shapes gives more of a feminine and friendly impression.
Most protagonists in an animated film usually have a round feature to their face.

For the title, there are triangles and rectangular shapes running through the word 'SNIP' since it symbolises violence and can be referenced to a blade from a scissor. The light shining through contrasts a hairdresser shop's seemingly bright light compared to the night. This is represented once again with an establishing shot filmed outside where the hair dresser standing in her salon. The zooming effect embedded in the title represents the hallucinations by the eldritch hairdresser.

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