Wednesday 7 January 2015


There is something about this place. Something about the unforgiving cracks along the pavements, or how the way the city lights up in the most unrelenting way. The routine of getting up at five in the morning just to beat the traffic on the way to work, the good morning kisses that she plants on my forehead just as she leaves for work, the way the imprint of her kiss lingers all day. The way she would add half a cup of milk into her coffee, because that’s the way she always loves it. The way she always smells like a blend of vanilla and raspberries.

Somehow this place, this place never lets me forget my past, and all I want to is be apart of its future; her future. Every crack, every corner about this place gives me inspiration. I don’t feel like I need anything else at all, except to just be here experience more of this place, with her. Together.

Only a few places make you feel this way.

There’s something about this place.

This is home.

She is home.

By Prae

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