Friday 23 January 2015

SNIP (first version)

After watching this over and over again. I thought that the 'film opening' that we made does not look and the story line does not develop as smoothly as I hoped.

The progression of this film opening is very crooked. It seemed more like a short film rather than a film opening. Since there was too much going on with customers going in and out of the salon. Moreover we spotted that the shot where the customer supposedly goes out of the salon, in the shot the door that was reflected in the mirror does not have a customer going out. By cutting customers going out of the salon scene also creates more enigma to the film opening of whether the customer left or is still in the salon. 

Character representation was too bold in this first version in the establishing shot where she stood and waits for customers and says "welcome". However, we wanted to set a subtle and ominous tone that the hair dresser would seem normal, the customer would not know her true identity, having a hair fetish. This will make the audience feel edgy whether the customer would know and protect themselves or not. Therefore I relocated the scene and cut the hand held and "welcome" scene out as it is too bold and somewhat like an ending of a short film, instead of leading the audience to the actual film. 

Shadow scene is removed because it looked too peculiar as if it is an art movie playing with shadows. 

The panning shot at the beginning is also removed because it is not necessary in creating and setting up of tone.

The new opening scene will be shorter with a smoother flow and a better title effect as this title does not stand out and does not feel cinematic. The progression of this opening film will give more clues and hint in the character without giving away too much information that there are no enigmas. Shots are rearranged so that everything makes more sense all together,

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