Monday 3 November 2014

Genre : Thriller


Definition or Convention?

Thriller is defined as a suspenseful sensational film, the storyline will be designed so the audience will think that it can happen to them which will make them feel scared. The conventions of a thriller includes, low key lighting, quick cutes, shadows, tension music, changed in the angle of shots, diegetic sound of breathing, black and white shots, montage of shots, protagonist is in mercy of the antagonist. Tension is built throughout the film, the audience anticipates for excitement and mysteries. 

Difference from Horror?

Horror and thriller's aims and structure of the movies are different. The genre, horror film, has the attempt to make the viewer experience fright, fear, terror, disgust or horror. The plot often involves the intrusion of an evil force, event, or personage, sometimes of supernatural origin, into the World. The most common elements in a horror film are forms of resurrected corpses and mystical creatures. Whilst thriller's aim is to make the audience fear that it can happen to them, this feeling is created by using fast pace, frequent action scenes, and plots in where a small number of resourceful heroes often fight violently. It emphasises more on the plot than character development, using suspense, red herrings and cliffhangers. 

What is expected?

To be seated at the edge of our seats, watching a cliff hanger as the plot leads towards a climax. When the main character is placed in a menacing situation. mystery, an escape or dangerous mission from which escape seems impossible, makes it seem as is it is life threatening.

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