Monday 10 November 2014

Conventions of Thriller

The Narrative of Seven follows the criminal investigation of a series of murders. The killing follows the 'seven deadly sins'.

The Protagonist Brad Pitt's character detective Mills is a conventional hero. His love for his family and his tendency to be driven by his emotions (specifically his anger) allows him to be manipulated into completing the killer's plans.

Voyeur the pleasure in viewing others, usually during moments of intimacy.

Sub genres of Se7en

sub category of a certain classification

Action sequences includes stunt work, gunplay and dramatic chasing sequences. It usually includes fast editing and close ups. 

Horror dwells on the killing, it is detailed in its gore and mutilation and gives a gothic tone. It can be identifies clearer with what it NOT a horror, a natural threat which always expose the murderer after the act and an intrigue rather than repulsion.

Tradgedy consists of human failures which the ending is predetermined with human's loss. 

Serial Killer
(sub genre of thriller)
The serial killer is usually a private person, which is psychologically unstable, intelligent and precise the murder cases are as if they wanted to get caught playing games with the detectives. 

Crime Drama
Crime drama shows the police procedure which is an evidence based case to be solved. 


Binary oppositions are set of opposite values, which reveal the structure of the media texts. An example would be GOOD and EVIL – we understand the concept of GOOD as being the opposite of EVIL. It is the establishing of these binary opposites that propels the narrative forward. The narratice can only end when this conflict is resolved.


Black vs White
Old vs Young
By the book vs Renegade 
Calm vs Hot tempered

CHARACTER'S characteristics

We analysed the character's characteristics with two sets of cards identifying detective Mills and detective Sommerset, we came to a conclusion that John Doe has the two detective's characteristics combined. 

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