Wednesday 29 October 2014

One Minute Film Challenge

One Minute Film Challenge


1)How did your group work as a team?

Our group has a very good teamwork, from the start of the project we collaborate our ideas and listen to each other’s idea to help create a plot in which everyone agrees on. Therefore there are no conflicts between the team members and the time the group spent working was very pleasant. Moreover the workload was divided equally throughout the team members.
4) What difficulties did you face when editing? How did you overcome them?
We used both after affects and premier, to add effects and edit the video, the transferring of the file caused some problems with premier since the programme does not support ‘avi.’ File, however we resolved this by converting the ‘avi.’ file to a ‘mov.’ file. The editing became smoother and easier to work with after we converted the file.
5) If you were to repeat the project again what would you do differently? If I were to repeat the project again I would divide the time for each section to be able to spend time more and equally to ensure that the quality of the footage is equal. Moreover I would take more consideration between the costume and the action, to avoid hardships when doing the action.
6) What aspects of the final production are you happy with? What could be improved? I am happy with the footages that fits well with the story and the editing that conveys the storyline making it understandable. Moreover I am happy about the continuity in the editing which flows, however there are some glitches in the editing and the sound does not match some actions. The quality and focus of each shots can be improved by adjusting the camera and take more consideration in the composition.
2) Explain how you organised and prepare for the project. What went well, what could have been improved? We used story boards to prepare for the plot and to enable the editing to go smoother to match with the storyboard, moreover we wrote transition scenes and the props needed for filming, we also created a group chat where we reminded each of the team member to bring the props and costumes. We aimed to finish filming in one lesson so that we can have extra time editing, we did finish filming and started editing the lesson after, which pursued our aim due to the good organisational skill established by the group work.
3) What difficulties did you face when filming? How did you overcome them? The difficulties we faced when filming is that Arisa’s costume does not enable her to do the actions that we have planned, the heels nearly broke from the running scene and causes her to run painfully in those. Moreover, the programmer scene took a lot of time away from the rest of the scene trying to convey and consider the composition of the frames, which took away most of our filming time. Moreover there were many people walking around in the long shot, which slows the process of filming since we have to wait for the passer by to move away from the camera.

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